July 28, 2013

Opatch rollback failed because files under patch_storage are missing

Issue : opatch rollback failed because files under patch_storage are missing
Error :
Archive Action: Source file "/u01/oracle/product/102/.patch_storage/4966417_Mar_12_2007_03_46_16/files/lib/libgeneric10.a/kgl.o" does not exist.

'oracle.rdbms,': Cannot update file '/u01/oracle/product/102/lib/libgeneric10.a' with '/kgl.o'

RollbackSession failed during prerequisite checks: Prerequisite check
"CheckRollbackable" failed.
System intact, OPatch will not attempt to restore the system

OPatch failed with error code 74

Try roll backing the patch as below
opatch rollback -id <sub-set patch#> -no_sysmod

-no_sysmod options just removes the patch updating the inventory with out updating the files in the File System.

1 comment:

  1. We faced the same issue while applying the 18.6 PSU. opatchauto was trying to rollback a patch and its respective backup files were deleted under .patch_storage directory. We created the directory it was looking for manually under .patch_storage and tried applying the current PSU version 18.3 itself.

    As expected it said, all the patches are already available on the DB home and No action needed. But we saw the required files are available under the dummy directory we created in .patch_storage.

    We then proceeded with the 18.6 PSU and it was success :)
